
Introducing the new stock exchange - Organised market trading of energy savings launches

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A new stock exchange to complement the natural gas market of CEEGEX Zrt. from 2024 will support the take-up of energy savings and the development of a climate-neutral future.

The launch of the organised market will open a new era in the sale of certified energy savings, providing a direct incentive to improve domestic energy efficiency and pave the way for a climate-neutral future. It will play a useful role in the energy transition by creating a transparent trading environment for all market actors investing in energy efficiency.

The security platform and clearing system for exchange trading was created by CEEGEX Zrt. The first of the quarterly auctions was held on 27 February 2024.

Membership of the stock exchange has been taken out by 23 operators, with a total of more than HUF 800 million in buyer deposits. In the first auction, around 13,000 gigajoules (GJ) of savings were finally sold, at a price of HUF 10,000 per GJ for short-life savings (e.g. mindset) and HUF 12,850 for savings with a lifetime of at least 3 years (e.g. heating modernisation, building insulation).

CEEGEX has started preparations for the next quarterly auction, scheduled for May. Interested parties can join the exchange on a continuous basis via the company's website.

This is a huge step forward for the Hungarian energy efficiency market, as it encourages energy-saving investments that will help us reach our climate targets.



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