
Automotive supplier on the road to carbon neutrality

2 mins

How mere figures can be converted into carbon dioxide equivalent greenhouse gas emissions information that companies can use in their reports and communications. An example of this is an automotive supplier.

Climate neutrality in industry

In recent years, the drive towards climate neutrality in industry in general, but perhaps most prominently in the automotive sector, has been seen in EU countries. The major car manufacturing groups are not only following the directives in regulating their own activities, but also expecting and even requiring their suppliers to comply with them.

It was in this light that our Client contacted us, who, in addition to legal compliance, set out to take real steps to achieve carbon neutrality. The Company is a manufacturer of road vehicle and vehicle engine components - a direct supplier to several major Western European automotive companies.

The post-investment period

The site has made a number of recent investments in energy efficiency, but has not been able to demonstrate the effectiveness of these investments with concrete figures. In some halls, monitoring the operation of older machines has been a challenge.

To install sub-meters, we first proposed to fill in a data request form to get an insight into the number and performance of the equipment to be measured. As a next step, two of our colleagues, accompanied by electricians, provided a site survey, which allowed us to provide a 100% tailor-made offer for the Company.

Within 1 week from the signing of the contract, the installation of the sub-meters, which required 1 working day and whose quality complies with the MEKH Decree 1/2020 (16th of I), started. The work was carried out entirely without disruption of circuits and without interruption of operational activities. A total of 32 three-phase metering points were installed, with central router communication connected to the mobile Internet.

  • The sub-measuring points installed by Wenerate:
  • 5 minute density, stored in the cloud;
  • can be installed under voltage, so they can be installed without disrupting production;
  • communicate independently of the site's local IT network; and
  • the data analysis software for the meters uses artificial intelligence for evaluation and possible alarms;
  • they are remotely accessible from almost any mobile device.

Our sub-metering service allows the operation of critical customers to be monitored and analysed. Several consumers were detected where after-hours operation was a constant feature of consumption. By detecting these and then shutting down the machines at the end of their operating hours, we were able to save almost 4% of the company's energy consumption. This resulted in a cost reduction of ~€3250 at the current electricity price of €0.18/kWh.

Daily, weekly and monthly consumption statements are prepared for consumers, in which power disconnection is also analysed using voltage quality analysis. In addition to the consumption analysis, the Company's carbon footprint is also monitored, so that our Customer can track its changes up-to-date - and with the help of the aforementioned reports, they can provide the parent company and partner companies with a complete analysis of their carbon footprint with just a few clicks of a button - saving the responsible persons hours of manual work.

At our client, the long-term objective is the comprehensive modernization of the machinery fleet - for further developments, we will monitor energy grant opportunities and manage them fully within the software.


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